Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sticky Situations!

Situation 1: "Left Out"
In gym class, the same student always gets picked last for teams, and most kids completely ignore him/her. What could you do to help this person fit in?

Situation 2: "Out Cast"
Kerry wins the lead in the school play. Many other girls in her class wanted the lead role. After getting the part, Kerry receives a mean email from a classmate. It says that Kerry got the part only because the teacher likes her best. Kerry is happy about starring in the play, but the email makes her really sad. What should Kerry do?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Science: Section 3 "Meiosis" Questions

Create 3 quiz questions for Section 3 "Meiosis". They can be multiple choice, fill in the blank, or open-ended questions. Once you are finished, try to answer another classmate's 3 questions.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Israel Embassy Website

After researching the website for Israel's embassy (, list ten facts in your own words. Have fun exploring!

Mr. Wildes

Friday, January 7, 2011

Are School Uniforms Fair or Not Fair?

Our literature unit discusses items that are fair or not fair. A hot issue today among students and school administrators is the school uniform. Are they fair or unfair for students? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a school uniform? After discussing this with a partner, write a brief synopsis of your discussion on this blog!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jerusalem Video

Hello Scholars!

As we watched the tour of Jerusalem video, you were to take notes on what you saw and heard. List 5 facts that you learned about Jerusalem from this film. Then answer the following questions:
1. After watching this film, would you like to visit Irael's capital city? Why or why not?

2. What was your favortie part of the film? Why?

3. What else would you like to learn about Israel and its capital city, Jerusalem?

Finally, comment on another student's facts. When commenting, be specific! Explain why you thought that student's facts were interesting.

Have a great day!
Mr. Wildes