Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog Practice

For your first blog, find two interesting articles on Teenbiz3000.com. Then, type the names of the articles onto the blog for everyone else to read. Finally, write a sentence stating why you like the two articles.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. TEST on Wensday for literature group!!!!

  3. 1.) Jane Yolen was born in 1939.
    2.) She has 4 jobs.
    3.) One of her jobs were to be an author.

  4. 1) She is a teacher, song writer, story teller and an author.

    2) She tells stories she thinks should be told.

    3) She loves the genres fiction and nonfiction.

  5. 1.) Jane Yolen was born as Jane Hyatt Yolen.

    2.) Jane Yolen was born February 11, 1939 in New York City at Beth Israel Hospital.

    3.) The first man Jane Yolen married was David W. Stemple.

  6. 2/25/11
    Rain Good or Bad

    The rain is bad, because it’s ruining our activity level. At our age we need to be active and all of this rain and snow is keeping that away from us. It is boring inside because all we do is play board games like little preschoolers. It causes a big mess every where. Plus being outside is the only chance we have to move around freely without raising our hands and then sitting right back down.

    Sitting in front of computers for indoor recess is not good for your eyes. All winter we have been indoors playing computer games and soon our brains will get use to it. Then the people that said new technology would hurt the human population would be right. When video games, cell phones and computers were first invented people said that is all people will do now. They thought we would exclude all of the things that keep us alive, such as food, our education and many more things that could damage our thinking.
