Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sticky Situations!

Situation 1: "Left Out"
In gym class, the same student always gets picked last for teams, and most kids completely ignore him/her. What could you do to help this person fit in?

Situation 2: "Out Cast"
Kerry wins the lead in the school play. Many other girls in her class wanted the lead role. After getting the part, Kerry receives a mean email from a classmate. It says that Kerry got the part only because the teacher likes her best. Kerry is happy about starring in the play, but the email makes her really sad. What should Kerry do?


  1. I could help that person fit in by giving her tips. Tips like: whenever they say something about you just walk away and tell a teacher, or something like, we can go shopping, get your hair done, get some new shoes and when you will be popping they will stop talking about you because you will be shinning. I think that Kerry should stop worrying about it and just play the leading role. And if they don’t like it who cares because you did a better job.

  2. left out- what i can do is next time i am captain i will pick them first to make them feel wanted and to have friends because i would want some one to do that to me
    out cast-i think Kerry should ignore what those other people are saying and tell a grown up what people are saying and do what she wants

  3. situation 1) What i would do is just if i was a team caption i would pick the person who always get picked lasted i would pick him/her first and pay attention to them so they could feel good.

    situation 2) if i was Kerry i would be happy i would say to myself thats great i got the role because my teacher likes me i must be a good student.

  4. Daija
    What will i do? I will go to the person to see who's doing that to the person.Then i will ask them what happened between you two. They will tell me then i will say that they need to work it out. then when they do work it out i will get them to play together at gym. this is what i Daija Simpson will do it something happened like this.
    I think what Kerry should to is don't think about that email and just do what you need to do for the school play.

  5. Samantha J. Troutt

    If I saw that a student was getting ignored in gym class, instead of being rude I would go up and talk to them. People might ignore me to for talking to them but it would mean more to me that i made someone feel better.

    If girls sent Kerry got a mean email from girls saying stuff about her she shouldn't care. They are just jealous of her because she got the part and they didn't.

  6. I would try to help him/her feel included. Not at all left out. I'm a nice guy, not a bully. This is for the first question.
    Just act normal. They are just mad they didn't get it . And throw it at you . Thats all.

  7. "Left Out" I would have told him/her to hang out with me. Because thats how he/her wouldn't be ignore.

    "Out Cast" I would do even care what they say because they just mad because they didn't get the lead role part.

  8. In Gym Class

    I would Pick that person and be their friend. It isn't right how people be so mean too others, but when its them they want to be all sad and start crying. I say if you mess with me, you just messing with your self. I would be that person friend because i wouldnt want that too be me.

    Out Cast

    I say Kerry should do her part because she shouldn't let the haters get in the way of her performance. The haters will make her famous. Soo i say do it and people will be jealous but owell.!

  9. Left out- to help that person I would hang out with them I wouldn't care what anybody thought of me I would just go over to that person and start talking to him or her.

    Out Cast- I think Kerry should have told a teacher what was sent to her and tell the teacher not to mention her name when she spoke to them and I think she should tell the teacher if the person asked how did she find out about it to tell that person that Kerry was reading it when I came over and saw it. That's what I think Kerry should do.

  10. 1.I would go tell her she could be my friend and that the other people dont talk to her because they are jealous.
    2.Kerry should tell a adult or say to the person i dont want to fight.

  11. What I would to help is when I am the captian
    I would pick him/her first then Iwould see how he or she plays and see if they play the next time I would pick he or she first.Then at lunch I would hang out with that person and we migth become friends.
    Kerry should tell the teacher about this.She should tell the teacher to tell the students that she was not pick because she was her best student.That she picked her because she can act.That migth stop the classmate.The person migth be mad she did not get her part .

  12. i could help that fit in by giving that person by giving him or her tips on how to fit in or tell a teacher that this person is being bullied and be there friend :D

  13. Situation 1:

    What I would do is ask him/her are they ok.Then I would ask them if they want to hang out with my friends and I, insted of them trying so hard to be someones friend when they don't even like them back.

    Situation 2:

    Kerry should tell the girls that the teacher likes everyone evenly and dose not have a favorite.She should also say that she got the main role because she was really good at it and it fits her.

  14. Situation 1: I could pick the person first for the games. I could also start hanging out with the person and make others hang out wit how ever.

    Situation 2: Kerry should tell an adult. She could also talk to the person about it and tell her off and be done with it. Lastly, she could TELL THE PEOPLE THAT WHAT THEY SAY DOESN'T MATTER!!

  15. 1)If i was the persone who pick the palyer because i see that this person always get picked last I would pick that person first and if anyone had a problem with it i would tell them that they can get off my team.

    2)karry should ignore what they say because she has a show to do. the person that is sending mean things they have a problem with themselves.

  16. What I could do is call team captain at gym class and picks him/her first. I could try to be his/her friend because it’s not that serious. I don’t care how someone looks because that doesn’t determine much about an animal or a human because feelings and traits determine that. Or I could recommend my captain on who to pick.

    Be proud play your part; make sure you stare directly at those haters. Not in a mean way show you are proud you have the part. You earned it make sure everyone knows that by having the best show. Don’t let anyone bring you down. If you got it because of favoritism you wouldn’t get picked because you would be a failure and embarrassed.

  17. Sadiah Sass
    January 19, 2011
    Sticky Situations

    Sticky Situation II: If a kid was getting teased because he was always the last one to get picked on the team and they were completely ignoring him what I would do is go up to them and say what was on my mind. What I would say is that you should judge it book by its cover or laugh at them because they get picked last.

    Sticky Situation II: What I would say to Kerry is that don’t let anybody bring you down because nobody can tell you what you cant and cant do unless there your teacher or parent and you shouldn’t fell bad about it.

  18. Situation 1: "Left Out"

    If in gym class, the same student always gets picked last for teams, and most kids completely ignore him/her. This is what I would first I would go to my team then tell them about the the student that aways get picked last and most kids ignore then I would ask them can he or she be in our team. If they say yes I would go
    to her or him and tell her or him that they can be in our team and if my friends say no I would still go and tell the kid to came to my team. That's what I would do If there was a student in my class that was always the last to be picked and was ignore by most of the kids.

    Situation 2: "Out Cast"

    If Kerry wins the lead in the school play. Many other girls in her class wanted the lead role. After getting the part, Kerry receives a mean email from a classmate. It says that Kerry got the part only because the teacher likes her best. Kerry is happy about starring in the play, but the email makes her really sad. This Is what Kerry should do, First she should show the email to her parents. Them when she go's to school she should go to the teacher that gave her the lead part and show her the email. Then the teacher would go to the person that wrote the email and send that person to the office to get a phone call home. That what I talk Kerry should do.

  19. Kianna bird
    Sticky situations

    Sticky situation 1: I would tell the person that to fit in all you have to do is be yourself. Don’t let anybody change they way you act or think. Also if you are scared to speak to them you can ask someone for advice. For example you can ask someone in your class if they can give you some advice on how to meet new friends. Finally if you try to talk to them and they still make fun of you and leave you out then I would sujest that they go to an adult and speak to the adult about their situation.

    Sticky situation 2: I think Kate should tell the girls that what they did was wrong and that they need to apologize. Then she should tell an adult. Here is why. She should tell a grown up because if she dosent this situation can get out of hand and someone can get seriously hurt. Because they were hurt by what someone else did

  20. Sticky Situation 1 ) If I could help out this girl/boy I would try to help them fit in or they can just hang out with me and I don't care if people try to pick on me because im hanging out with a friendless person I would just say i don't care Im not going to let nobody be bored and looking all lonely. I would just hang out with her and then me and my friends would talk to her and we would hangout and we would involve her in activities that we are in.

    Sticky Situation 2 ) I think that Kerry should go to the school and tell an adult or tell her mom because she did not do nothing wrong so she can tell an adult and say what they said or she can go to her email and print out everything they said and that's called cyber bullying and the people who emailed her is just jealous. That's what I would do if I was in this situation and that's rude why would someone want to make somebody feel bad they have more chances in life and could win the next time .

  21. I would help them make friends by making them friends with my friends.I would also let them hang around with me so they wont feel left out of anything.Thats what I would so if someone was in that situation.

    I think Kerry should ignore the email and do what she wants.Also she should just do what she wants and not care what anybody else says. Thats hat I think Karry should do.

  22. Deana Leopold


    1.Jane wrote songs,fairy tales,foke tales

    2.She was born in 1939

    3.She is also a teacher.

  23. 1. Born in 1939.

    2. An author.

    3. A teacher.

  24. If I saw that a student was getting ignored in gym class, instead of being rude I would go up and talk to them. People might ignore me to for talking to them but it would mean more to me that i made someone feel better.
